Introduction Video

Discussion Questions

Discussion/Reflection Prompts for Teacher PD
  1. The goals of the lesson will have a big impact on the questions that educators ask students, and the way in which they respond to student questions. Consider two different goals of programming activities, and consider how the questions asked by the educator will differ for each, and how the educators responds to student questions will differ for each. You can use ideas presented in other chapters of the book, for example, Ch. 11 (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Beliefs: Learning Goals for Introductory Programming), Ch. 3 Creative Coding, Ch. 8 on constructionist project-based learning, Ch. 26 (Zestful Learning) or this resource as a source of goals, or affordances to consider.
  2. Are there situations in which an educator might choose to not answer a question asked by a student? If so, in what situation would this occur, and what type of question would an educator chose not to answer for a student (presumably, to help promote independent learning).
  3. Are there any other main, overarching questions that an educator can ask themselves when designing activities, or after delivering activities, for students that might  help them remain focused on specific goals of programming?
  4. Often having students ask and answer each others questions serves as a valuable learning experience. How can an educator help support a classroom where this occurs naturally and frequently, what are the conditions that can help promote this type of situation?
  5. Can Which One Doesn’t Belong questions, such as those listed here be effective in a programming class?
  6. Consider the extension questions listed at the end of this resource. Are these type of questions relevant for other types of programming tasks?
A-Z Handbook #CSK8 Twitter Chats Moderated by Vicky Sedgwick
  • Chapter 17 opens with “Questions are central to learning and problem-solving.”
    How can we use guided questions in our CS classes to prompt discussion and lead students to deeper engagement and understanding? #csk8
  • From ch 17, “the way in which the teacher responds to [questions from students] can have a dramatic impact on the learning that takes place …”
    What strategies can we use to guide students to find answers to their questions themselves? #csk8

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