
"When you learn, teach. When you get, give." —Maya Angelou

The book is the result of collective effort and is testimony to the amazing “Computer Science for All” community in the US (especially) and around the world.

This handbook, which strives to embody Maya Angelou’s enduring quote, is for teachers and by teachers and researchers steeped in computer science (CS) education. The authors of each chapter have generously shared what we know and have learned about teaching introductory programming from classroom experience as well as research in the field. These authors represent classrooms in the United States, Canada, UK, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, and Australia. They bring an unparalleled breadth and depth of experience and knowledge gleaned from research, curriculum design, teacher training, and/or classroom practice at the elementary, middle, high school, and college levels.

Suchi Grover

Shuchi Grover, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist
Looking Glass Ventures

Grover brought this book together as the visionary, editor, co-author, chief champion, and producer (including working closely for 5 months with the layout designer and copy-editor).

She is a senior research scientist at Looking Glass Ventures and a visiting scholar at Stanford University. Her research is focused on teaching and learning of computer science, computational thinking, and programming in schools. She has been working with children and programming since 2001, first in informal afterschool settings, and recently, in classrooms. Her current research encompasses the design of curricula and assessments for all levels of preK-12 CS education, as well as the integration of computing and coding in STEM and other subjects. She has led, and continues to lead, several large research projects (often in collaboration with universities and research organizations) with grants from the US National Science Foundation and other federal agencies. She also consults globally on projects related to K-12 CS, programming, and computational thinking education.

The vision for a guide book for teachers encompassing both content and pedagogy took shape during her doctoral studies at Stanford University, which involved creating an introductory programming curriculum that drew on learnings from research in CS education as well as the learning sciences. In addition to publishing her research in leading academic journals, Shuchi is active in teacher outreach. She regularly collaborates with K-12 CS teachers and authors articles aimed at wider audiences beyond the research community. Over the past decade, she has served on the National K-12 Computer Science Framework team, taskforces of the Computer Science Teachers’ Association, the ACM Education Advisory Committee (2018-present), and the editorial board of the ACM Transactions on Computing Education (2015-present). Shuchi’s educational journey includes undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science, an Ed.M. in Technology in Education from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in Learning Sciences and Technology Design from Stanford University. She lives in Palo Alto, California, where she loves to crochet and garden in her spare time. [@shuchig,]

Here are brief bios of the chapter contributors (in order of their appearance and contribution in the handbook).
Mark Guzdial

Mark Guzdial

University of Michigan

Mark Guzdial

Authored the Foreword, Inventing Computing Education in Schools.
Philip Bagge

Philip Bagge

Hampshire (UK)

Philip Bagge

Bagge is a computing school teacher and inspector for Hampshire in the UK. He enjoys exploring new methods of teaching computing science and trying them out in his classes. Phil believes that the real sweet spot in teaching programming lie where educational and computing research are both taken into account. Phil authors the resources.
Miles Berry

Miles Berry

University of Roehampton (UK)

Miles Berry

Berry is principal lecturer in computing education at the University of Roehampton. A former teacher and head teacher, he was part of the team who created England’s national curriculum for computing. He serves on the boards of Computing At School, the CSTA and England’s National Centre for Computing Education. [@mberry,]
Baker Franke

Baker Franke

Baker Franke

Franke is a curriculum writer, professional development facilitator, and research and evaluation manager for Prior to Baker taught high school computer science at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, and was vice-president of the Chicago chapter of CSTA. He enjoys neither piña coladas nor getting caught in the rain.
Rich Kick

Richard Kick

High School Teacher

Richard Kick

High school mathematics and computer science with BS and MS degrees from UIUC and Chicago State University. He taught AP Computer Science using Pascal, C++, and Java. He wrote C++ code at Fermilab, and was a College Board reader, table and question leader, and test development committee member.
Jen Rosato

Jennifer Rosato

National Center for Computer Science Education (NCCSE)

Jennifer Rosato

is the Director of the National Center for Computer Science Education and an Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems at the College of St. Scholastica. She co-leads the Mobile CSP and CSAwesome projects as wells as pre-service and in-service computer science teacher education programs.
David Wolber

David Wolber

University of San Francisco

David Wolber

Professor of Computer Science at the University of San Francisco. He is the lead author of the book “App Inventor 2: Create your own Android apps”, and he runs the site
Vicky Sedgwich

Vicky Sedgwick

Elementary & Middle School Teacher

Vicky Sedgwick

Teacher of elementary and middle school CS for ten years and is currently teaching 4th-6th grade CS at a private school in the Los Angeles area. Vicky was a standards writer on the 2017 CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards and the 2020 Standards for CS Teachers.
Kelly Powers

Kelly Powers

Cornell Tech

Kelly Powers

Teacher in Residence at Cornell Tech working in NYC schools as a Computational Thinking and Computer Science Coach. Kelly works to bring a program of rigor and joy to all schools. Kelly is currently coaching teachers at PS86 in the Bronx developing their CT/CS K-6 pathway.
Paul Curzon

Paul Curzon

Queen Mary University

Paul Curzon

Professor of Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, cofounded the inspirational cs4fn/Teaching London Computing projects, was awarded the IEEE Taylor L Booth award for Education “for outstanding contributions to the rebirth of computer science as a school subject” and coauthored “The Power of Computational Thinking”.
Debbie Fields

Dr. Deborah Fields

Utah State University

Dr. Deborah Fields

Associate research professor at Utah State University. Her research focuses on understanding and supporting students making creative artifacts and online communities where children share such artifacts in ways that create intersections between their interests, communities, and identities.
Yazmin Kafai

Yazmin Kafai

University of Pennsylvania

Yasmin Kafai

Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a learning designer and researcher of online tools, projects and communities to promote computational making, crafting, and creativity. She helped develop and research the programming language Scratch and an electronic textile curriculum. Kafai earned a doctorate from Harvard University.
Aman Yadav

Dr. Aman Yadav

MIchigan State University

Dr. Aman Yadav

Professor of Educational Psychology and Educational Technology at Michigan State University with extensive experience in research, evaluation, and teacher professional development. His areas of expertise include computer science education, problem-based learning, and online learning. His work has been published in a number of leading journals. [@yadavaman,]
David Weintrop

David Weintrop

University of Maryland

David Weintrop

Assistant Professor of Teaching & Learning, Policy & Leadership in the College of Education with a joint appointment in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland. His research focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of accessible, engaging, and equitable computational learning environments.
Rebecca Vivian

Dr. Rebecca Vivian

University of Adelaide

Dr. Rebecca Vivian

Researcher at the Computer Science Education Research Group (CSER) at The University of Adelaide, with a BEd(Prim)(Hons) and PhD(Education). Her research covers CS education, learning sciences and technology-enhanced learning. She trains teachers in K-12 CS education and is passionate about engaging future generations in STEM. [@RebeccaVivian]
Katrina Falkner

Katrina Falkner

University of Adelaide

Katrina Falkner

Interim Executive Dean for the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, and Leads research and programs at the Computer Science Education Research Group (CSER). In 2014 she launched a national K-12 Digital Technologies program, providing free online training to Australian teachers.
Tia Madkins

Tia Madkins

University of Texas at Austin

Tia Madkins

assistant professor in the College of Education and faculty research affiliate with the Population Research Center at The University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on how preservice and inservice teachers engage equity pedagogies to transform STEAM + computing learning environments for intersectionally minoritized students. [, @ProfTiaMadkins]
Jakita Thomas

Jakita Thomas

Auburn University

Jakita Thomas

Philpott Westpoint Stevens Associate Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Auburn University. She directs the CUltuRally & SOcially Relevant (CURSOR) Computing Lab. She is a recipient of the NSF’s Faculty Early Career Development Award and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
Jessica Solyom

Dr. Jessica Solyom

Arizona State University

Dr. Jessica Solyom

Assistant Research Professor in the School of Social Transformation and Associate Director of the Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology at Arizona State University. She is an expert in the areas of racial justice, indigenous epistemologies, critical race theory, race and racism in education, and equity and inclusion.
Joanna Goode

Joanna Goode

University of Oregon

Joanna Goode

Sommerville Knight Professor of Education at the University of Oregon. Formerly a high school computer science teacher, Joanna’s research examines how computing education practices and policies can broaden participation for girls and minoritized students. She is a co-creator of the Exploring Computer Science program.
Frieda McAlear

Frieda McAlear

Senior Research Associate at the Kapor Center

Frieda McAlear

(Inupiaq) MRes, is the Senior Research Associate at the Kapor Center. Frieda co-founded the Women of Color in Computing Collaborative (WOCCC) and she is a founding partner in the Expanding Computer Science for Native American Girls project, a partnership between the WOCCC and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society.
MIke Zamansky

MIke Zamansky

Stuyvesant High School (NYC)

Mike Zamansky

He has been teaching CS for thirty years. He is the architect of the highly regarded CS program at Stuyvesant High School, the inspiration for The Academy for Software Engineering, and is known as “the Godfather of CS Education.” Mike runs Hunter College’s CS teacher certification and undergraduate honors CS programs.
Jens Monig

Jens Mönig

Researcher at SAP

Jens Mönig

A researcher at SAP and makes interactive programming environments. He is fanatical about visual coding blocks. Jens is the architect and lead programmer of UC Berkeley’s “Snap! Build Your Own Blocks” programming language used in the introductory “Beauty and Joy of Computing” curriculum.
Jonalf Dyrland-Weaver

JonAlf Dyrland-Weaver

Stuyvesant High School (NYC)

JonAlf Dyrland-Weaver

He has been teaching high school computer science for 14 years and is currently a teacher and Director of Computer Science at Stuyvesant High School in NYC. His passion for both teaching and computer science is largely the fault of fellow author Mike Zamansky.
Juha Sorva

Juha Sorva

Aalto University, Finland

Juha Sorva

Senior University Lecturer at Aalto University, Finland. His research interests include the learning and teaching of introductory programming, learners’ understandings of programming concepts, instructional design in ebooks, and program visualization. His other interests include Diet Coke and the word “partridge.”
Mattias Hauswirth

Matthias Hauswirth

USI Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland

Matthias Hauswirth

He leads the Lugano Computing Education Research Lab ( at USI Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland. He loves Swiss chocolate, teaching and research in programming languages and CS education, and contributing to high school programming textbooks and training programs for future computer science high school teachers.
Shannon Campe

Shannon Campe

Program Manager at Education, Training, Research (ETR)

Shannon Campe

Program Manager at Education, Training, Research (ETR) – a non-profit health equity organization. The focus of her research and evaluation is on increasing diversity in STEM with an emphasis on computing. She has designed, managed, and taught students involved in multiple in- and after-school computing programs.
Jill Denner

Jill Denner

Senior Research Scientist at Education, Training, Research (ETR)

Jill Denner

Senior Research Scientist at Education, Training, Research, a non-profit organization in California. She does applied research and evaluation with a focus on broadening participation in computing and other STEM fields, and has developed several after-school programs that engage children and their families in computer science.
Steven Floyd

Steven Floyd

Western University

Steven Floyd

Doctoral candidate in Curriculum Studies at Western University and an Education Officer with Ontario’s Ministry of Education. Steven has taught high school computer science since 2003 and is a winner of the CSTA’s Award for Teaching Excellence in Computer Science.
Dan Garcia

Dan Garcia

UC Berkley

Dan Garcia

UC Berkeley EECS Teaching Professor. A “CSforALL” national leader, he is also an ACM Distinguished Educator, ACM Distinguished Speaker, and SIGCSE Vice-Chair. His APCSP-endorsed Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) course has reached 650 teachers worldwide, and at UC Berkeley has shattered CS gender enrollment records.
Josh Paley

Josh Paley

Gunn High School (CA)

Josh Paley

Teaches computer science at Gunn High School in Palo Alto, CA. He holds a BS in Mathematics and Computer Science and a MS in Applied Mathematics from UIUC. He was a Summer Lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley. He wants to eat some fish and chips.
Kathryn Rich

Kathryn Rich

Michigan State University

Kathryn Rich

Doctoral candidate in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology at Michigan State University and a mathematics and computer science curriculum developer at UChicago STEM Education. She works with elementary teachers to integrate technology into instruction. She holds degrees in mathematics and learning sciences. [@KatietheCurious;]
Carla Agard-Strickland

Carla Agard-Strickland

University of Chicago

Carla Agard-Strickland

Digital Development Manager at UChicago STEM Education. An experienced mathematics teacher and curriculum developer, she works with elementary teachers to integrate computer science into their existing mathematics instruction. Carla brings an Afro-Caribbean perspective and a passion for equitable, high-quality instruction to her work in education. [@CisforCarla]
Maya Israel

Maya Israel

University of Florida

Maya Israel

Associate professor of educational technology at the University of Florida. Her research focuses on supporting students with disabilities and other struggling learners’ meaningful engagement in K-12 computer science as well as on Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Todd Lash

Todd Lash

Creative Technology Research Lab (CTRL)

Todd Lash

Research associate with the Creative Technology Research Lab (CTRL) were he studies ways to increase equity in and access to high-quality computer science education for all students and instructional strategies that address the challenges faced by struggling learners engaged in computer science education activities.
Jane Waite

Jane Waite

Queen Mary University (UK)

Jane Waite

She has worked in industry as a developer, as a K-5 teacher and is now a researcher and teacher trainer. She has researched the use of the MicroBit, PRIMM, Semantic Waves and teaching K-5 programming. She is a Teaching Fellow and PhD student at Queen Mary University of London. [@janewaite]
Sue Sentance

Sue Sentance

Raspberry Pi Foundation (UK)

Sue Sentance

Chief Learning Officer at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, UK. Her research interests include programming education, teacher professional learning and physical computing. She is a teacher and teacher educator and currently has a leading role in a government-funded programme to bring high-quality computing education to all schools in England. [@suesentance]
Katharine Childs

Katharine Childs

Raspberry Pi Foundation (UK)

Katharine Childs

Works in the research team at Raspberry Pi Foundation and holds an MSc in Computing in Education from Nottingham Trent University. An ex-teacher and network manager, she is interested in helping students learn about computing in real-world contexts and spoke about this in her TEDx talk “Coding the Hairy Toe” [@IAmKatharineC]
Brian Twarek

Bryan Twarek

Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)

Bryan Twarek

Director of Education for the Computer Science Teachers Association, where he manages CSTA’s student and teacher standards and develops programs to improve the equitable teaching and learning of K-12 computer science. Previously, he directed computer science policy, curriculum, and professional development for the San Francisco public schools. [@btwarek]