Introduction Video

Discussion Questions/Activities

Twitter Chats
Twitter Chat Moderated by UDL4CS (Oct. 20, 2022)
  1. UDL is a way to anticipate barriers and plan activities to overcome them.
    What are some barriers your students face in being included in the CS classroom? (Twitter thread)
  2. What does an inclusive CS classroom look and sound like? (Twitter thread)
  3. What are some ways you have made your classroom more inclusive and accessible? (Twitter thread here)
  4. Please see our UDL/CS Remix Chart:
    What are your thoughts when you see the UDL/CS Remix Chart?
  5.  UDL is about proactively planning for differences amongst our students.
    How do you plan for the broadest range of learners? (Twitter thread here)
  6. People often tell us their students who may struggle academically excel in CS.
    Why do you think that CS is an area where some students who may not do well in traditional instruction find success? (Follow the thread on twitter to see responses)
  7. Share other resources, or lesson plans, or activities that are inclusive and accessible that you may have or are aware of.
A-Z Handbook #csk8 Twitter Chat Moderated by Vicky Sedgwick
  1. UDL is all about planning from the beginning for a wide variety of learners. How do you scaffold learning opportunities to build on students’ strengths and address a wide range of potential challenges during creative computing?
  2. A basic idea of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is to provide multiple means to engage students. How do you make content relevant and accessible so that all students are more engaged, less stressed, and better able to learn?
Connecting to Equitable Learning and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
  • How would you leverage ideas from UDL to promote more equitable learning in your classroom?
  • Reflecting on Chapter 12 on Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, how might the UDL framework be leveraged to design more culturally relevant teaching and learning in the classroom?
  • Conversely, how might you leverage culturally relevant pedagogy ideas to provide multiple entry points for students and also multiple ways of demonstrating learning.
Activity (contributed by Jen Rosato, EDU 6740: CS Methods Course, College of St. Scholastica)

Using the examples from Chapter 21 Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Reaching All Students, discuss creating a unit on a particular topic such as loops, conditional statements, variables, inheritance, etc. (Note: this could be a unit you plan to develop for your capstone project, but it does not have to be.) 

You can select the topic which best applies to your project or to one in which you’d like to do a little more research. If you’re having troubles finding research on a particular topic, you might want to check out, which has tips based on interviews with computer science teachers. So, while more anecdotal in nature, it is based on the collective experience of CS teachers. (This would not be an appropriate resource for your annotated bibliography, however.)

The recommended steps to follow are:

  1. Review the Three UDL Principles on page 220.
  2. Review the nine guidelines for how to apply UDL in an instructional context.  Additional information is available at The UDL Guidelines
  3. Create a UDL table (as illustrated in Table 1 page 221) for your topic that includes your goals, barriers, methods/materials and assessment.
    • Example of goals for one dimensional arrays could include: need for the array structure; structure of an array; array boundaries, array syntax; different tasks like finding the max value, count groups of values, counters, accumulators, outputting all the values, etc.; using arrays in methods; etc.
    • Examples of barriers based on Reviews from the experience of the CS education community and research literature about students’ difficulties and misconceptions while learning about the topic. Examples: index and length; exceed index boundaries; empty cells, loss of value in cells due to overwriting, understanding the differences between the index, value, counter and accumulator; difficulty understanding that objects need to be instantiated to be part of an array.
    • List your methods and materials you would use to address the barriers in teaching one-dimensional arrays: your strategies for unpacking k-12 programming instructional implementation with multiple examples of representation and engagement. (page 224).
    • Create an assessment that will measure learning in a flexible manner.  What kind of project could you envision your students completing to demonstrate that they have met the learning goals defined.

Additional Resources

UDL4CS Website

The UDL4CS project website at University of Florida, led by Dr. Maya Israel, has lots of resources related to Universal Design for Learning in CS.

INFACT Lesson Plan for Multiple Entry Points to a Scratch Project Introducing Conditionals

In this INFACT lesson, learners apply their understanding of preliminary conditionals through making decisions in Scratch programs using IF-THEN and IF-THEN-ELSE logic. (30+ minutes; Online; Individual OR Pair/Small Team).
Lessons are adapted from Dr. Grover’s VELA project using UDL approaches to support neurodiversity.



Drs. Shuchi Grover, Maya Israel, and David Weintrop collaborated as Co-PIs with the Edge @ TERC group to design Including Neurodiversity in Foundational and Applied Computational Thinking (INFACT).
INFACT engages students in grades 3–8 in problem solving through computational thinking (CT). INFACT involves a variety of on- and off-line CT learning and teaching materials, including games (e.g., Zoombinis), coding, robotics, and hands-on unplugged activities. INFACT is specially designed for inclusive classrooms, integrating supports for executive function within the CT activities. Recent US Department of Education (USEd) funded research showed students who use INFACT show  more improvement on CT assessments than those using other CT programs. This outcome was particularly dramatic for students who face challenges with executive function.

Graphical abstract of INFACT. "Computational thinking teaching and learning materials designed for inclusion show promise to reveal problem solving strengths of neurodivergent learners."



Assessment #1

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