Introduction Video

Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions Contributed by Dr. Christine Liebe (CSTeach Course, Colorado School of Mines)
  • How could physical computing be used to teach students/parents about networks, IoT, and data privacy?
  • What is essential IoT privacy knowledge that elementary/MS/HS students need to know?​
  • What are some instructional activities that could help students understand the interplay between hardware and software and levels of abstraction through physical computing?
#CSK8 Twitter Chats Moderated by Vicky Sedgwick
  • What are some barriers you have encountered in trying to include physical computing in your classes and how have you overcome them?
  • The chapter shares reasons why physical computing is beneficial. What benefits does physical computing offer to your students?
  • If you incorporate physical computing activities in your teaching, what devices are you using in your CS classes and why did you choose those (types of) devices?
  • What scaffolds do you provide during physical computing lessons/units?
  • What opportunities do your students have to showcase their work with physical computing to a broader audience?
  • What are your favorite physical computing projects? Please share pictures and videos if you have them!
  • What physical computing devices and/or robots should be on everyone’s #CSEd wish list for K-8 CS classes and why?

Additional Materials

This is a series of six beginner-friendly projects to help learners connect and control LEDs, buttons, switches, buzzers and potentiometers (dials).

Network Security Micro:Bit Activity (Contributed by Derek Babb, University of Nebraska-Omaha)

Estimated Duration

  • One class period (45-50 mins)

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, students will learn about port scanning and network security.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • learn about scanning for devices on a network
  • explore port scanning 


Port Scanning – Looking at every possible entry-point to a computer

Firewall – Software tool used to monitor and block ports

Protocol – Set of rules that defines how communication would be sent


Students will need a Micro:bit & Computer. There should also be 2-4 Micro:bits used as “servers” in the class.

Micro:bit – Server

Micro:bit – Port Scanner

Student Resources


Teacher Resources

Additional Resources

Dangers of open wi-fi networks-