Introduction Video

Discussion Questions

Discussion/Reflection Questions


Discussion Questions Contributed by Dr. Christine Liebe (CSTeach Course at Colorado School of Mines)
  • What are some discussion topics you could offer that would connect data structures with interdisciplinary CS + X learning?
  • Which languages are the best for teaching data analysis?
  • What types of math/science/language arts concepts connect well with learning computer science?
    • As an activity, outline (to whatever level of detail makes sense) a lesson for one of the concepts you listed.

Additional Resources

Recent research on integrating CS/CT with data science and other subjects at various grade levels

‘CTIntegration’: A Conceptual Framework Guiding Design and Analysis of Integration of Computing and Computational Thinking Into School Subjects (Grover, 2020)

This paper motivates the need for and presents a comprehensive framework—CTIntegration—to guide educators and researchers aiming to design for integration of computing/coding with other subjects. The paper elaborates on the interconnected elements of the subject domain, computing, and CT we well as pedagogy, that must be attended to. It also demonstrates the use of the framework as an analytic tool to examine several case studies of recent successful CT integration efforts.

NetsBlox: an extension of Snap! block-based programming environment for extending "low-floor" computing to advanced topics, data science, and integration projects